New GarageBand Update ALPHA WAVES Sound Pack

“…these are some of the best sounds to ever come to GarageBand and I can pretty much guarantee that you’ll enjoy this sound pack as much as I do. I bloody LOVE it!”

ALPHA WAVES is the brand new laid back, ambient flavoured sound pack for GarageBand iOS.

Packed full of lush textures, ephemeral pads and dreamy loops, this pack has everything you need to add depth and dimension to your tracks.

This might just be my favourite GarageBand Sound Pack



iOS 14 Compatible!

It’s worth noting they this new GarageBand update is available to anyone running iOS 14 as well. Apple haven’t gated this new content behind a mandatory update to iOS 15.

Which is great because as we all know; you definitely should t update to a new iOS version on day one.


New GarageBand Update