Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the world of iOS music making or are a seasoned pro looking to expand your audio options, the App store is stuffed to the brim with all manner of music making apps all vying for your attention and your hard earned cash.

There are some good deals to be had however and it is possible to broaden those sonic horizons without spending a single penny.

In the video below I share my picks for the very best free music making apps for iPad/iPhone/iOS that the app store has to offer.



So there you have it! There are my picks for the very best free audio production iOS apps in the world today. What do you think? Did I miss any out?

What iOS apps free or otherwise can’t you live without? Let me know in the comments below!


Apps Featured In This Video

AudioKit Synth One 

ToneStack Go 

Audio Damage Rough Rider 2 

Klevgrand Svep

Sugar Bytes’ Factory Synth