Can you run GarageBand on a Windows PC?

There is one question that I get all the time that I want to definitively answer right now.

Can you use GarageBand on a Windows PC?

No. You cannot install GarageBand on Windows. Full Stop.

The good news is that there is an alternative out there that is not only completely free, but also has a straightforward beginner friendly interface, comes with loads of high quality instruments and sounds and even has a few tricks up its sleeve that GarageBand doesn’t.



BandLab is – for my money – the BEST GarageBand alternative out there for Windows users.

In terms of layout and features, BandLab is quite obviously heavily influenced by GarageBand.

This is a good thing.

It means that everything is laid out in a straightforward way and is easy to get to grips with. 

If I was to ask you what the defining features of GarageBand are, the reasons why you want to create with it in the first place, what would they be? 

The huge selection of high quality software insrtuments? the dedicated guitar amp and pedals? What about the thousands of royalty free loops? Maybe it’s the auto Drummer?

Chances are it’s one of those (if it’s not make sure you let me know down in the comments).

What’s interesting is that BandLab has pretty much all of that as well!